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Equity Bank locations will be closed Monday, Feb. 17th in observance of Presidents’ Day. We will resume normal operations Tuesday, Feb. 18th.

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Consent to Conduct Transactions Electronically and to Receive Electronic Disclosures and Notices

This disclosure documents your consent to conduct transactions electronically and to electronically receive disclosures and notices relative to the accounts you are applying to open with us online. The disclosure also describes your rights relative to conducting transactions electronically and to electronically receiving disclosures and notices, as well as the consequences of withdrawing your consent. We recommend you print and retain a copy of this disclosure and all the disclosures and agreements related to this transaction. Once you consent, you will be able to apply to open accounts online. If you do not consent, you will not be able to apply online. However, regardless of whether you consent, you will still be entitled to apply to open accounts through other methods that we permit, such as in person.
You understand, prior to consenting, that:

  1. Your consent applies only to disclosures and notices regarding your deposit accounts, including your periodic account statements;
  2. Unless you consent, you have the right to receive all required disclosures in paper or non-electronic form;
  3. Even after consent, if you want to receive a paper copy of the disclosure in addition to the electronic disclosure you can obtain one free of charge by calling us or writing us at the number or address listed below;
  4. You can withdraw your consent at any time by calling or writing us at the number or address listed below, but such a withdrawal of consent will result in a fee for physical document delivery;
  5. By consenting to conduct transactions and receive disclosures and notices electronically you agree to provide us with the information (such as a current email address) needed to communicate with you electronically and update us as to any changes in such information by calling or writing us at the number or address listed below.

    We reserve the right to provide any disclosures or notices in writing, rather than electronically. Except as otherwise provided by law or in other agreements, you can give us all notices regarding your deposit accounts or your periodic statements, except for stop payment orders, by email using our then current email address, regardless of anything in this agreement to the contrary; however, we reserve the right to have any notices confirmed in writing upon our request.

Hardware and Software Requirements

The minimum computer hardware and software requirements to receive and keep the electronic disclosures and notices are:

  • Access to a device (e.g., computer, smartphone, mobile device, tablet, etc.) suitable for connecting to the Internet, or downloading our mobile apps with the Current Version of (i) an operating system, such as Windows, Mac OS, iOS or Android, and (ii) a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari or Firefox, that we support.
  • A connection to the Internet;
  • Local electronic storage capacity to retain Communications and/or a printer to print them;
  • A valid e-mail account and software to access it;
  • Software that enables you to view and display files in HTML and PDF format.
  • If our hardware or software requirements change, and that change would create a material risk that you would not be able to access or retain electronic Communications, we will give you notice of the revised hardware or software requirements. Continuing to use this service after receiving notice of the change is reaffirmation of your consent.

Contact Information

Equity Bank
P.O. Box 730
Andover, KS 67002